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the wife

I think you've rendered your readers speechless.


Meat tenderiser?


Someone who used to live in my dorm gave out valentines last year that said, "You have a piece of my heart" and stapled a shred of lunch meat to them. It reminded me of you.


Wow. I remember the meat from your video of scaring Shannon. Do you, in theory, have a thing for meat?

Marcus Aurelius

As someone who knows you as a devoted and loving husband, a doting and gentle father, and a kind and thoughtful friend, I gotta say, you still sometimes creep me right the heck out.

And it doesn't help that I have a pretty crazy imagination and have seen you wielding your polypropylene Indian War Club in your own fists, which are incidentally, for those who don't know, the size of full grown goats.


Shannon Hale

Thank you Marcus, for the character reference. The wife was saying just the other day that if someone I know was ever found with unexplained blunt trauma, I would be hard-pressed to convince the authorities of my naturally peaceable nature.

Shannon Hale

Awesome! My profile picture is my wife! Much better looking.


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